Friday, July 1, 2011


            Met Bob for coffee and breakfast again – that has become routine.  We had a leisurely morning of sorts, and really didn’t see much that was historic except by accident!  We decided this was a time to walk to the grocery store – it’s very nice out, sunny, a few clouds, warm in the sun and comfortable in the shade.  The grocery store is outside the historic part of Wittenberg.  First stop:  wikana cookie outlet store.  We found some of the Lutherbrodt cookies that Bob had told us about.  On the way back we found a “drink store” and bought a couple large bottles of Coke mostly for Dea, and some Freiburger Beer for me (I’ve been looking for Freiburger Beer since we arrived in Germany.  Long story – will share the rest in a week and a half.)  Then stopped at Netto’s, the discount grocery store.  We only bought a couple salty snacks, but it was interesting to walk through.  One whole wall was beer.  A whole aisle of wine.  Lots of good-looking produce.  Hardly any canned goods at all, which surprised us.  Then the long walk back to the hotel with our purchases.
       On the way to the grocery store, right next to the Wittenberg Information Center which is also the center for WEM, there is a little park with a cemetery on top.  The cemetery I think has about 100+ graves of Russian soldiers.  These were from the time of the occupation following WW II.  At one time there was also a Russian tank as a memorial in the park below the cemetery.  When the Russians pulled out after the unification, the Germans told them to take their tank along home with them.  The Russians said “What about our dead in the cemetery?”  The German mayor said “You take the tank.  We’ll take care of the graves!”
            Part 2 – turned out to be a relatively slow day.  After we got back from the grocery store, Dea relaxed and I went out for a walk.  I was looking for 2 things – first, a GPS so we don’t have a repeat of Tuesday!  Second, a hat.  I didn’t want a baseball cap, or by the time we are done I would have a farmers or fishermsn’s tan.  I found a nice floppy safari-type hat.  Didn’t find a GPS, but got some information on where to look.
            Got back to the room, rested for a while, then set out again.  We went to the Castle Church and took some pictures.  Found out that the Melanchthon House is closed for renovation – rats!  I wanted to see that.  Had devotions at 4:30 – about 8 people.  While the numbers were not overwhelming, the offering was MUCH  better today – Bob said it was enough to “pay the rent” for the chapel for the whole week.  I guess I earned my keep!  The word is that LeRoy Wilke, who is the next Deputy Director and will be on duty for two months, is in town, but haven’t seen him yet.  Did bump into David Mahsmann, former Lutheran Witness editor and point man for the school building the LCMS and others are trying to renovate.  He said he’ll be around more next week.
            Afterwards, we were headed for the Kartoffelhaus for Dea’s birthday supper, and she stumbled again on the rough cobblestones.  The Lord was watching out for her again – no real damage other than her pride.  Well, she is a bit sore, but says not as bad as when she fell off the fence trying to get at the mechanical bull!
Had a quick supper, then heard a 30-minute organ recital in the Stadtkirche (City church).  The organist was pretty good.  For those who know or care, it is a Sauer organ almost 30 years old, has been rebuilt.  Sounds pretty good.  She played the Bach Prelude and Fugue in C (the 9/8, again for those who care) but used 16’stops as the basis for the registration.  Seemed a little heavy for my taste for that piece, but it was still wonderful.  She also played some 21st century music by a guy named Petr Eben, based on two “dances” from Biblical sources.  Interesting, but not my favorite.  Going to do some maintenance work and prep for the church service tomorrow night, then off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're looking for a GPS...Bill and I were ready to send you one! All I remember is something like "Auctune" when we came to an intersection that had a speed monitor or we had to be careful at. It sounded better than 'watch out' or 'be careful'.
